Mini Muay Thai

Learn from the best!

Enjoy our fabulous new Home PE Challenges designed to keep you fit and healthy. Look out for your next session with Coach Kelly which will be coming soon!

Join Kelly Haynes a British Champion of Muay Thai boxing in some fun, challenging sessions. This will help you improve your fitness and also give you the basics of martial arts through our Mini Muay Thai sessions. Enjoy!

Ready to get ACTIVE?

When you’ve completed the activities, why not share this page on social media? It’s a good way to spread the word and let all your friends know about our new competition.



Early Years, Yr 1 & 2 Mini Muay Thai session

Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Activity 4:
Activity 5:
Activity 6:

Yr 3, 4, 6 & 6 Mini Muay Thai session

Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Activity 4:
Activity 5:


pirate adventure
safety first

Remember, Safety First!

  • Make sure you have plenty of clear empty space all around you, remove any obstacle or hazards.
  • Always get permission of a parent or carer before attempting any of the activities in this video.
  • Adult supervision is recommended.
PE Lessons